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St. Symphorosa School Advisory Board


The Advisory Board has as its primary concern the ministry of Catholic elementary school education: the spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional and social development of the students. The Advisory Board, operating in conformity with the policies of the Archdiocese of Chicago (AOC), under the guidance of the AOC, the Superintendent of Schools, and the Pastor, shall concern itself with the general excellence of Catholic education at St. Symphorosa Catholic School.

Working in close collaboration with the Pastor and the Principal, and hearing its many stakeholders, this Advisory Board shall work only in an advisory capacity in order to enable the school community to reach it’s agreed upon goals.

Please find our meeting schedule below. Full school board meetings are scheduled bi-monthly and are held in the Stejbach Room. Meeting agendas and minutes can be found on this webpage under the section titled"Meeting Schedule / Documents". If you are interested in attending and/or addressing the board during a future meeting please note that we will follow the protocol noted in the "Meeting Protocol" section on this page.


President - Melanie DalPonte

Vice President  - Alexandra Hochhauser

Advancement Chair - Janja Taylor

Finance Chair - Keith Stiggers

Catholic Identity Chair - Barb Grzenia

Advancement Committee - Karlen Montoya, Jennifer Morales

Finance Committee - Charlie Grijalva, Garsen Hansen, Manny Lopez, Maria Garcia

Catholic Identity Committee - Alexia Calderon, Marlene Torres, Monica Wojcik

School & Parish Staff Serving on the School Board

Position                            Name                                  E-Mail Address

School Principal               Kathy Berry              

Asst. Principal                  Chris Garza              

Parish Pastor                    Fr. Robert Regan      

Meeting Protocol

Any parent of a student at the School, parishioner, or member of an organization of the parish may address the School Advisory Board.

In order to address the Board, you will need to send an email to Kathy Berry ( at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Your concern/discussion topic will then be placed on the agenda. Each visitor addressing the Advisory Board shall be limited to five minutes for making comments.

In accordance with Archdiocese Rules, the Advisory Board shall not be obligated to debate or respond to any comments raised by such visitor but instead may opt to take such comments under advisement.

Contact Us

© Copyright 2017

St. Symphorosa Catholic School

Tel: 773-585-6888

Fax: 773-585-8411



6125 S. Austin Ave

Chicago, IL 60638

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