St. Symphorosa School
of Two Holy Martyrs Parish
Faith Family Academic Excellence
St. Symphorosa's Sixth Grade Class
Our Main Focus Is The Bible, Particularly The Old Testament.
We focus on the different standards using a variety of short stories. Each short story
unit is connected with a nonfiction article to allow the students to think across the
curriculum. The students also have an opportunity to enjoy multiple novels read as
a class as well as in literature circles.
The different parts of the writing process with a concentration on narrative writing and the eight parts of speech.
Social Studies
Our area of study is the Ancient World; Stone Age, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, with a high level of attention to Geography.
Our science program focuses on chemistry, biology, astronomy, and Earth science. Science Fair starts in the 6th grade.
Go Math-Integers, Factors and Multiples, Rational Numbers, Operations with Fractions, Operations with Decimals, Representing Ratios and Rates, Percents, Generating Equivalent Numerical Expressions, Generating Equivalent Algebraic Expressions, Equations and Relationships, Relationships in Two Variables, Area and Polygons, Distance and Area in the Coordinate Plane, and Surface Area and Volume of Solids.

At St. Symphorosa...
Sixth Grade at St. Symphorosa is a time to explore cultures from different eras and around the world. The students learn through cross-curriculum activities between Social Studies, Reading, and Art. As a Junior High (Grades 5-8), our students change classes for Math, Science, English, and Social Studies to experience a diversity of teachers and teaching styles. Our goal is to prepare our students to be life-long learners. We focus on higher level thinking and making connections between what we are learning, our lives, and the world in which we live. We differentiate our teaching to accommodate our students. We concentrate on organization and study skills so that our students become independent learners. My name is Nancy Loduca and I love teaching 6th grade.