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 WHY St. Symphorosa School is worth the investment


Community of Families-We are grounded in our root beliefs-All things are possible with God, A community of Kindness, Love and Support equals success, and Our children are Stewards of God’s gifts.

  • Greeting each child by name every morning

  • Providing programs for children to share their talents-art, music, Geo Bee, band, chess, STEM

  • Supportive parent organizations that offer sports, bring people together, provide activities and funding for the school children

View our School Video


Moral and Spiritual Development-We focus on teaching children to be virtuous in order to follow the golden rule-“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

  • Averaging 88 vouchers given to our students weekly for their positive/virtuous behaviors

  • Opening and closing all-school assemblies to teach students about the        monthly virtue

  • Provide special recognition to students who have earned the virtue of the month

  • Morning meetings in the classroom to provide moral support and guidance

Supportive Environment-We plan activities that connect to our theme,

St. Syms Superheroes-Our Words and Actions have Power!

  • Superhero assembly highlighting the importance of standing up for someone if they are being bullied or doing the right thing even when it is hard

  • Classroom read-alouds that share a message of kindness and strength through adversity

  • Programs such as DARE and GREAT led by local law enforcement to teach our students lessons on making good choices and standing up for what is right

  • Providing after school tutoring and services for children who need extra help

Academic Readiness-We have high academic expectations for our students and our teachers provide rigorous daily instruction.

  • According to the Archdiocese annual data review, our school has been rated highly competitive based on an analysis of our student’s outcomes vs. local public options

  • 2 closest public school’s average scores-19% more of our students are meeting or exceeding state standards in Reading and 25% more in Math

  • Increasing technology access in classrooms and the opening of our new STEM studio 

  • Highly qualified teachers, many with advanced degrees, and an average tenure of 18 years

Affordable Investment-We provide opportunities for families to accept Financial Aid, students to earn scholarships, and other ways for families to decrease tuition costs.

  • Through Tax Credit Scholarships, CARITAS, Big Shoulders, Il Action for Children and other scholarships and aid we awarded $164,925 to our families representing 100 students

  • $3,300 was deducted from families’ tuition because of the referral bonus

  • TRP using SCRIP services enables families to purchase gift cards, now online for immediate use while earning money off tuition

Contact Us

© Copyright 2017

St. Symphorosa Catholic School

Tel: 773-585-6888

Fax: 773-585-8411



6125 S. Austin Ave

Chicago, IL 60638

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